By – PrasadRaje Bhopale, Learner at Rashtram School of Public Leadership Halma – 99.99% of you might be hearing this word for the first time. When I heard it for the first time I thought it was some fancy name given by some NGO. But when I got to know a bit more about this...Read More
This article is one of the talks of CV Raman broadcasted by All India Radio, Madras to present scientific knowledge to an ordinary reader in an understandable language. The collection of these talks was published in a book called 'Aspects of Science' in 1948.Read More
Without acquiring the ability and refinement to fully appreciate the socio-cultural background of Swamiji, one cannot hope to appreciate his spiritual inclinations…which are deeply rooted in the soil and socio-cultural milieu of Bengal.Read More
The story of how Indian communists worked for two years from 1939-1941, for Hitler and Stalin and tried to foment a communist revolution in India, is a well-known one.Read More
किसान शब्द के साथ लोग इतने भावनात्मक रूप से जुड़े हुए है की बहुत सारे लोगो ने तीनो कानूनों को गलत करार दिया बिना जाने, बिना समझे, बस इसलिए की कुछ किसान इसका विरोध कर रहे हैं।Read More