By Apula Singh , Alumni of Vision India Foundation
The article was originally published in The Huffington Post
The source of this image is Vision India Foundation
The ‘Housing For All By 2022’ scheme aims to meet the housing stock shortfall of 2 crore. Meeting this gap would require construction of 30 lakh houses annually. However, data from July last year shows that work was progressing on less than 15% of the approved projects. One can imagine how many of these projects would have actually been completed. An estimate from May 2016 suggests that the completion rate was only 0.1%. This huge gap, between the numbers of sanctioned versus constructed houses calls for immediate alteration of the implementation approach.
Apula Singh, VIF Research Associate, shares her thoughts on the significant implication of having affordable housing being granted an infrastructure status, on the ease of financing of housing projects.
Read the complete article published on The Huffington Post.