Public Policy seems something distant for a commoner like us. Most of us do not even understand how public policy impacts all of our lives, every moment in unimaginable ways. All our actions, reactions and choices while living in a civilised society of a nation are influenced by public policy.Read More
By Biplabjoy Purkayastha, Researcher of Indian Foreign Policy and the Geopolitics of South Asia and the Indo-Pacific Now known as Myanmar, Burma formed an essential part of the Raj till 1937, when it was separated from British India. The country formally got its independence in 1948, and since then, it has witnessed many political upheavals....Read More
Lal Bahadur Shashtri is one of the rare gems of Indian Politics who in his brief stint as the Prime Minister of the nation, upheld Rajdharma and led the country to fight for its survival while regaining its self esteem.Read More
Indian Civilisation has always looked upon the farmers as annadata and carrier of the wisdom of thousands of years. We have been a 'Krishi-pradhan' nation. But since, the British arrived there have been policies to force farmers to quit farming. One of the biggest challenge that we face as a nation today.Read More
As a part of their endeavour to abolish slavery, the United Nations General Assembly approved the Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others on December 2, 1949. This day is internationally recognised as the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery.Read More
On the occasion of National Law Day, we ponder over the question of the meaning of humanity, and liberty for different civilisations and communities. While assessing if our constitution recognises our thousands of years old civilsation.Read More
Among the key reforms being pursued by the Indonesian government, are the labor market reforms, which are a part of the Omnibus Law on Job Creation passed by the parliament in early October 2020.Read More