The Power of Discernment is Man’s true blessing. Claiming it and tapping into its reservoir is the Real Achievement of man. The ability to discern in our traditional knowledge is called Viveka. Viveka is the first step in our spiritual journey.Read More
Krishna is the Divinity, Joy, Love, Bliss we seek and yearn for. He is purna in all aspects and one who makes him his own also becomes purna or perfect in all possible ways. Coming in contact with him, remembering him is to be plunged in the ocean of Ananda.Read More
One usually thinks of Sanskrit as only the language of religion, scripture and prayer. But in truth, Sanskrit is the language in which almost every subject was written.Read More
Varalakshmi Vratam Puja is celebrated on the last Friday of Shukla Paksha (Waxing Moon period) during the Shravan month just before the Purnima.Read More
From the time of Adam Smith to the more recent Behavioural Economics, there has been considerable churn over the last 250 years in the economic approach to understanding human nature. The article briefly examines the treatment of Indian Knowledge Systems into Human Nature and the promise of Artha, an Indian Economic philosophy repurposed and updated...Read More