By – PrasadRaje Bhopale, Learner at Rashtram School of Public Leadership Halma – 99.99% of you might be hearing this word for the first time. When I heard it for the first time I thought it was some fancy name given by some NGO. But when I got to know a bit more about this...Read More
This article is one of the talks of CV Raman broadcasted by All India Radio, Madras to present scientific knowledge to an ordinary reader in an understandable language. The collection of these talks was published in a book called 'Aspects of Science' in 1948.Read More
“Education in India under the British Government was first ignored, then violently and successfully opposed, then conducted on a system now universally admitted being erroneous and finally placed on its present footing.”Read More
By Shyam Krishna Kumar, Vision India Foundation Fellow This article was published in the The New Indian Express The source of the image is Vision India Foundation The success of Sarva Siksha Abhiyan in enrolling almost 98 per cent of all children of school going age has shifted the focus of education to the question...Read More
By Shyam Krishna Kumar, Vision India Foundation Fellow This article was published in the HuffingtonPost The source of the image is Vision India Foundation Given that India will have a working-age population of 869 million by 2020 and the fact that this was the first budget after the draft National Education Policy (NEP) of 2016, expectations were...Read More
By Sahil Aggarwal, Co -Founder and Director at Rashtram By Dr. Nomesh Bolia , Co – Founder at Vision India Foundation and Faculty at Rashtram School of Public Leadership This article was published in the : The Indian Express INDIA’S EDUCATION SYSTEM IS TERRIBLY OUT OF STEP WITH THE TIMES Education should achieve three broad...Read More