By Shyam Krishna Kumar, Vision India Foundation Fellow This article was published in the BBC Website The source of the image is Vision India Foundation VIEWPOINT: THE ‘FEMINIST’ RULING ANGERING INDIAN WOMEN A recent Supreme Court ruling, which has been hailed as a feminist victory, has instead angered the Indian women it was meant to...Read More
By Shyam Krishna Kumar, Vision India Foundation Fellow This article was published in the India Facts The source of the image is Vision India Foundation Proclaiming the Path of Surrender: 750 Years of Vedanta Desika The sheer panditya that Vedanta Desika embodied and the austerity of his living illustrate the richness of the Bharatiya Jnana...Read More
ByShyam Krishna Kumar, Vision India Foundation Fellow This article was published in the Swarajya The source of the image is Vision India Foundation In ancient India, discussions or debates were a means to arriving at knowledge and wisdom.Sadly, today, the very opposite is being pursued. Every other day we find the public discourse flooded with...Read More
By Shyam Krishna Kumar, Vision India Foundation Fellow This article was published in the Swarajya The source of the image is Vision India Foundation The head priest of the Tirumala Tirupati temple is served retirement orders within days of his alleging that precious jewels, including a rare pink diamond gifted by the Mysore Maharaja, are...Read More
By Shyam Krishna Kumar, Vision India Foundation Fellow This article was published in the Swarajya The source of the image is Vision India Foundation The nationwide recognition of Lakshmikutty’s remarkable contribution to traditional medicine is just the first step. This opportunity must be used to create sustainable benefit and access-sharing models for indigenous knowledge. Over...Read More
By Shyam Krishna Kumar, Vision India Foundation Fellow This article was published in the Swarajya The source of the image is Vision India Foundation It is high time that an Indic knowledge systems like siddha receives concrete policy attention it deserves to realise its potential for human wellbeing. The recent celebration of the first National Siddha Day...Read More
By Shyam Krishna Kumar, Vision India Foundation Fellow This article was published in the DNAIndia The source of the image is Vision India Foundation Swami Vivekananda asked for a hundred young men, sincere to the backbone, for transforming India. However, in many ways, it was Margaret Noble, a woman from Ireland, who tirelessly worked to...Read More
By Shyam Krishna Kumar, Vision India Foundation Fellow This article was published in the Huffington Post The source of the image is Vision India Foundation The process of creative churn is the only way the past can stay relevant in the present and offer the gift of its experience and wisdom to the future. Religions,...Read More