Veerendar Kumar


As a part of their endeavour to abolish slavery, the United Nations General Assembly approved the Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others on December 2, 1949. This day is internationally recognised as the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery.
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On the occasion of National Law Day, we ponder over the question of the meaning of humanity, and liberty for different civilisations and communities. While assessing if our constitution recognises our thousands of years old civilsation.
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Chhath Puja is Vedic festival of great cultural and spiritual significance celebrated in Bihar, UP, Jharkhand, Nepal and their diaspora across the globe. This festival is about worshipping Sun and Goddess Chhath for bestowing life on planet earth.
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The International Music Day was incepted by the virtuoso violinist Yehudi Menuhin who, for the most part of his life, harboured a deep adoration for the ethos and holistic spiritualism of India. Menuhin discovered Yoga and under the watchful eyes of his guru (BKS, Iyengar, Founder of Iyengar Yoga), he disciplined himself in yogic practices....
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