Ayurveda & Its Role In Transforming Educational Practices

Latest Past Events

Certificate Workshop on Foreign Policy

Globalisation has connected the world politically, socially, and economically. The relationships between international leaders and governments have vital significance in the pursuit of foreign policy objectives. Moreover, several internal and external factors affect the decision making process in diplomacy. With this perspective, the workshop aims to explore the key concepts, schools of thought, and instruments […]

Vaicārikī 8: Religion, Conflict and Spirituality: Sri Aurobindo’s Thoughts

Religious animosity is perhaps the most common form of conflict. Human societies have been fighting among themselves on religious grounds since time immemorial. The landmarks in history like the killing of pagans by the Roman Christians, the history of Crusades, the riots between Protestants and Catholics, the idea of Ghazwa-e-hind, the rampant riots during India’s […]

Meditative Nature Walk

“Nature by itself is always full of peace—a peace which is fundamental and even the perturbations of mind and life cannot break….The first thing to do in the sadhana is to get a settled peace and silence in the mind”  - Sri Aurobindo Rishihood University is organising a Meditative Nature Walk for our staff, faculty […]