Manager- Career Advancement

Adarsh Pandit

Manager- Career Advancement

Adarsh Pandit

Manager- Career Advancement


A B.Tech graduate from IIT Delhi, Adarsh has spearheaded various social projects during his college days like, teaching poor kids in slums and initiating the fundraiser for daily wage staffs at the campus during COVID lockdown. Every semester break he used to visit different places in Bharat and met stalwarts in the field of social work. After graduation he built his career in Political Consultancy, working closely with Senior leaders and cadres of BJP in West Bengal elections. From strategising to executing campaigns, he was involved in every step of electioneering. Following which he also worked in Uttar Pradesh Assembly election for a brief period.

Intellectual quest to refine the learnings he had till now and to understand the efficacy of Politics in taking up the civilizational issues brought him to Rashtram. He has always been a very keen observer of Politics(especially how it functions through organisation) and it’s implications. Lately he has started following how Political Economy functions. Furthermore, he has keen interest to develop his knowledge further especially in Politics, Political Economy and its affect on Politics of the day.