

The Power of Discernment is Man’s true blessing. Claiming it and tapping into its reservoir is the Real Achievement of man. The ability to discern in our traditional knowledge is called Viveka. Viveka is the first step in our spiritual journey.
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Is there a way out of this unceasing struggle between Liberty and Authority?
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In this article, the author analyzes the age-old dilemma: whether to seek self-realization or to engage whole-heartedly in the welfare of the society or those who are in need? Some term exclusive efforts for self-realization as selfish. Datta analyzes Mokshashastras and comes to the conclusion that there is really no dichotomy between the two.
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Who are the people who can steadfastly defend those ideals? Only those – who have hereditarily stayed aloof from the conflicts arising out of a pursuit of self-interest; only those who have found glory in economic deprivation, who do not see good deeds as a commodity, whose minds, permeated with pure knowledge and upright virtue,...
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If the society in our country is to be preserved in the Oriental spirit, if it is not possible or not desirable to radically change this long-standing vast society in the European way, then the existence of a true Brahmin community is crucial. They will be a people of modest means, they will be scholarly;...
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P V Kane was one of those rare scholars who functioned as the much-needed bridge between the two sides of the gap. He knew Hindu scriptures deeply and was well versed not just in English, but in the modern Western traditions of logic and argumentation as well. He interpreted the Dharmashastras of Hindus to modern...
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Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was a 15th-century Indian saint. Devotees consider him an incarnation of Lord Krishna. He is regarded as the also the chief proponent of the Vedantic philosophy of Achintya Bheda Abheda.
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