This article was published in the The Hindu
The source of the image is The Hindu
A student speaking at the ‘Youth Parliament’ in Visakhapatnam on Saturday.
IVIN Strategies has organised a Youth Parliament here on Saturday at YVS Muthy Auditorium in Andhra University.
Students participating discussed the ‘Right to service act’.
IVIN Strategies was officially launched by director of GITAM Law School Y. Satyanarayana in the presence of Vision India Foundation’s co-founder Aman Gupta, entrepreneurs Kimidi Nagarjuna, Pyala Prasad Rao and Raj Varma Mudunuri. CEO of IVIN Strategies Donthineni Narasimha spoke.
Prof. Y. Satyanarayana said, “Youngsters are the backbone of the country. Constitution has the power of words but only with your power of deeds, its implementation can be ensured”.
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